
imaginative touch




目の下のクマと袋の違い! まだバカなのか?


目の下のクマ:夜更かしが原因。 クマと目の腫れの違いは、夜更かし、感情の起伏によって引き起こされることです。 目の疲れや加齢により、目の皮膚の血管を流れる血液の流れが悪くなり、滞りが生じ、目の組織への酸素供給が不足し、血管から代謝された老廃物が排出されずに多く蓄積し、色素沈着が起こります。 また、目の周りの皮膚は、当初は顔の皮膚の4分の1程度の厚みしかなく、非常に弱いものです。 滞った血液が皮膚を通過するため、目の下にクマができるわけですね。

この2つは横から見ればすぐにわかりますが、横まぶたの部分に膨らみがあれば、それは間違いなくアイバッグです。 そうでない場合は、単なる目の下のクマです。


1.早寝早起きで十分な休養をとる。 この言葉は日常的に言われていることですが、それを実践している美女はほとんどいません。 しかし、本当にリラックスしたいのであれば、十分な休息をとることが必要です。 では、電話を置きましょう。

2.目のマッサージ。 目や顔をマッサージして血行を良くし、目の周りに老廃物を溜め込まないようにしましょう。 アイクリームとの併用でより効果的です。

3.日焼け止めをしっかりすること。 特に、肌が色素沈着しやすい美容愛好家にとっては、重要なポイントです。

4.目に温湿布を貼る。 また、目の周りの血行を促進し、目に滞った血液を解消する効果も期待できます。

5.クマが本当に頑固な場合は、メディカルエステで対応することも可能です。 クマのレーザー除去は、様々な要因で起こるクマの種類に対応できる優れた治療法です。



目の下の袋の外科的除去:外科的除去には、内出血と外反の2種類があります。 下まぶたの結膜の内側を切開し、袋の中の膨らんだ脂肪を縫合せずに除去する方法です。 下まつげから2~3mmのところを外側に切開し、余分な脂肪や緩んだ皮膚を除去することが可能です。


回復期間:傷口が大きいため、術後は明らかな赤みやあざがあり、通常半月から1ヶ月程度で回復します。 注)この間、感染を防ぐため、傷口が水に触れないdark circle


回復期間:通常、完全に回復するまでには3~6ヶ月程度かかります。 最初の1ヶ月は腫れが続く時期です。 この間は、術後感染を避けるため、創部の局所衛生に特に注意する必要があります。



ここで強調しておきたいのは、どのような方法であっても、医療用美容整形である限り、それがメジャーなものであれマイナーなものであれ、正式なものを選択しなければならないということです。 施術の結果を基本的に保証してもらうために、資格のある医療機関であること。

それと同時に、理性的に考えて、その手術の根拠、術後の安全性の問題を本当に理解し、精神的な準備を整えてほしいと思います。 流行を盲目的に追いかけ、美しくなり、自分に責任を持たないのはいけないことです。



目の下のクマはどのくらいで解消されるのでしょうか? クマを解消するのに必要な時間は?

目の下のクマは、パンダ目とも呼ばれています。 パンダの目の周りには黒い輪郭があり、それがとても魅力的でかわいいのですが、私たちが目の下にクマを作ると、その人全体が老けて見えるのです。 詩人は、夜は黒い瞳をもたらすというが、それは目の下のクマ...


1、高周波の使用の実際の仕事の守護者は、メンテナンス(ecg machine)現象の無視は、多くの場合、メンテナンスを考慮する前に失敗の問題が一般的です。これは患者さんの使用に影響し、器具の故障を増やします。2. モニターの使用、清掃、保守...













信頼できる決済ゲートウェイと協力し、安全な決済ゲートウェイに目を向け、APIを常に更新することは、あなたのビジネスを支援する素晴らしい方法です。 そのポイントをご紹介します。




通常、取引は数量、場所、商品の種類(物理的または数値的)に基づき請求されます。 取引先の地理的な位置と取引件数を考慮する。


第三者決済会社は(global payments credit card processing)、アクワイヤリングバンクと自社のブラックリスト情報を組み合わせたコア技術とリスクデータベースにより、疑わしい注文を審査し、リスクの高い注文を直接...


越境ECビジネスの重要な要素として、決済は越境EC(global payments credit card processing)をより良く、より早く発展させるために欠かせないものです。1.クレジットカードの国際決済ゲートウェイとは何ですか...


独立系セラーにとって、国境を越えた決済は常に最も重要な問題の一つである。例えば、利率、出金サイクル、申請の難易度、申請の範囲、不正防止方針など。1.クレジットカード(global payments credit card processin...



インフルエンザの流行期には、健康な人は、空港、地下鉄、駅、映画館、ショッピングセンターなど比較的閉鎖的な公共環境などの人混みではマスクを着用し、くしゃみや咳によるウイルス感染を防ぎ、これらの環境がないところではクリアすることが推奨されます。 また、呼吸器症状がある患者さんは、周囲へのウイルス拡散を抑えるため、積極的にマスクを着用する必要があります。


インフルエンザの予防には、手洗いや手の衛生状態も重要です。 ミシガン大学の研究によると、学生の間でマスクを着用し、手を洗うことで、インフルエンザ様症状の広がりを75%抑えることができたといいます。マスク着用だけでは、インフルエンザ様症状をあまり軽減できない可能性があり、マスクと手洗いを一緒に行うことが望ましいと考えられます。


発売以来、数多くの臨床試験や集団予防接種で、幅広い年齢層で良好な免疫力を発揮し、インフルエンザの発症・流行予防に有効であることが証明されています。 現在、インフルエンザワクチン接種は、インフルエンザの予防に最も効果的な対策として世界的に認知されています。 インフルエンザワクチンは、インフルエンザウイルスからあなたを守り、症状を緩和すること、あなたとあなたの周りの家族や友人をインフルエンザの重い症状から守ること、高齢者や慢性疾患のある人、乳幼児をインフルエンザによる様々な合併症から守ること、高齢者や子どものインフルエンザによる入院や死亡リスクまで低減させることができます。 このような方々には、インフルエンザの積極的な予防接種が推奨されます。


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入住的長者大部分為獨居長者,也有的因為兒女工作較忙,委托養老院照顧。66歲的張仁聲早年離異後去柬埔寨打拼,與子女關系疏遠,去年因身體大面積中風回港治療,並選擇只身入住養老院。 與擁有健全行動能力和社會能力的張仁聲不同,大多數長者因為獨居或年事已高,養老院成為他們人生的最後歸宿。住在養老院,護工就是與長者朝夕相處的“家人”。根據香港法律規定,老人院每位護工最多只能照顧四位長者,並且必須為社會福利署注冊的護士、保健員和護理員。仁愛養老院裏總共有八位護工,他們每天的工作細碎而繁瑣,不僅要照顧老人飲食起居,還得處理簡單的醫藥護理。









After Elaine Chong wrote about donating her eggs

  When parents tell a child that he or she was conceived from a donated egg, or donated sperm, it can come as quite a shock.

   to help other couples have a child, two readers got in touch to explain how the revelation that they were donor children affected them - one said it split his family, the other said it drew hers even closer together.

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  'My entire existence is a lie'

  I found out I was donor-conceived when I was 22. The conversation was not planned. When my younger sister discovered she was pregnant she asked my parents if there were any hereditary family conditions that she needed to be mindful about. Then my parents told her that they couldn't answer her question that she had been born as a result of gamete donation.

  My social father (this is what we call the parents who raise us) then told me that was also the case for me. He said they had gone to a doctor at Harley Street who had helped them conceive both myself and my sister, who is three years younger. But that was all he was willing to talk about and neither nor my social mother wanted to discuss the subject any more.

  As I was conceived in the early 80s it's impossible to find records as to who the egg and sperm donors, my biological parents, are. It was rare for that information to be kept on file then.

  I'd often wondered why I looked so different to the people that raised me. I'm tall, hairy, with dark eyes and features. My parents are shorter, pale with light eyes. I started wondering if maybe I could be of a different ethnicity. Suddenly my whole existence felt like a lie.

  My relationship with my social parents deteriorated and I spent years moving around, doing a number of odd jobs. I also battled with gambling issues. I felt like a gypsy. I should add that my sister had a different reaction to me. She maintains a good relationship with our social parents, whereas mine has almost entirely broken down.

  Even though I am now married, with a young child of my own, I am still against gamete donation. We shouldn't be playing around with science like this. If I had been adopted, it would be easier to trace the story of how I came to be and easier to find roots. As it stands it's unlikely that my egg or sperm donor parents knew each other, and I don't know the motivations of why they chose to donate.

  I feel that donor conception is a trade in human beings and very few people consider the effects it has on a child.

  John, 35, UK

  'I also want to be an egg donor'

  My sister and I have always been almost opposites - which was the main reason why I could tell something was different between us. She was slim, smart, and a rule-abider. I was more of a wild child with an athletic build. Throughout our childhood, it was always a joking topic, but it was never addressed until I was 11.

  My dad and I were in the car and I had brought up again how my sister and I were so different. He said: "Yeah, we can talk about it when we get home." I was like, what? After all this time, now there's an explanation! In a way it was satisfying to know that my premonitions were correct.

  At home, it was a full family conversation. My mom cried when she confirmed my suspicions that my sister and I weren't fully related.

  She'd had a problem with her IUD implant in the 70s that affected her uterus and the transport of her own eggs. She had never told anyone in her family except for her mother because of the stigma against not being able to get pregnant.

  My parents told me that my sister was an in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) baby, with my mom's egg and my dad's sperm, and that I was conceived from an egg donor with my dad's sperm.

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  It was very emotional. I can vividly remember that.

  It's such a fragile state to be in, to have your own kid question where they're from. It was one of those things where my mom thought if I knew that I wasn't necessarily related to her, I would push her away - that's what she conveyed to me.

  After, I remember sitting in my room and I felt like I had known it was true the whole time. I had grown up with these differences and my parents never loved me any less. I've never felt betrayed - I've just felt grateful for the chance to be given life.

  Image caption Elizabeth (left) and her sister

  My mom and I have gotten closer because of it. I think it is the bravest thing she has ever done. I began to see how it had shaped her as a mother too - every night she would tell my sister and me: "We did everything to have you, we're so grateful for you in our lives." Now I understand that they really did do everything.

  As I got older, I became more intrigued by IVF. I thought it was very interesting to see how my parents had taken this very new technology and applied it to their lives.

  I want to be an egg donor once I finish college because it would make me feel so proud.

  I want to represent a successful story of in-vitro. My mom is very supportive of me becoming an egg donor. I think it would make her feel like she has continued the process of family completion in a way.

  Donor conception is still seen as a very secretive process, but I think if it were to have more light brought to it, things might change. If I could help at all to de-stigmatise the idea, I would feel very proud.

  Elizabeth, 21, US

  When to tell the children

  If children have been conceived from a donated egg or sperm it's good to tell them early, says Nina Barnsley, director of the Donor Conception Network. Ideally at the age of five, and no later than 10.

  This allows them to get used to the idea as they grow, and averts the possibly traumatic experience of a sudden revelation later on. "It ends up being just an exciting story of how they came into the world," she says. "parents should see it as an open door to continuing the conversation as the child wishes and ages."

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  If parents wait until their child is an adult, they may be asked why they hid the truth for so long. But late is better than never, Barnsley says, and better than a deathbed confession. "We've had children in their 30s with parents in their 70s when they have the conversation. It can go very well."


No Name Ninja